Sunday school

Jesus said "Let the little children come unto Me, and do not forbid them..." (Mark 10:14)


child care

The Sudbury Gospel Hall provides ‘informal child care’ services for preschool aged children on its premises to facilitate guests, visitors or patrons to participate in church activities.

While providing ‘informal child care’ services for preschool aged children < 4 years of age, the child’s guardian must:

  1. remain at the premises for the duration of the time during which they use the service, and

  2. are readily available to attend to the child if required. 


childen & teen classes

Age appropriate classes for everyone.

"You shall teach them (Gods commandments) to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up." (Due 11:19)



Bible stories, singing, prizes, activities and seasonal presentations.  An action packed year of exploring real bible characters and stories.  

11:20 am - Arrival Time and Light Snack
We get together.  We have a bite to eat and a coffee or tea.  It is a time to say good morning, to mingle and welcome others just arriving.

11:45 am - Singing and Bible Verse Learning
The Sunday School bell rings calling all the kids together to sing some songs. One of our favorites is "Jesus Loves Me".

12:00 pm - Children and Adult Classes
Bible stories, singing, prizes, activities and seasonal presentations.  Age appropriate classes for everyone and a child care center for the little ones.

12:45 pm - Dismissal and Departure Time
Transportation for Sunday School program can be arranged, contact for more information.